höll som sagt mitt tal idag på engelska .. det blev t att jag höll det inför johanna o & johanna p + Kristin (min lärare) , talet var om Jim , jag började gråta reda när jag läste hans namn ifrån min stöd lapp . jag grät igenom hela talet och det gjorde även de andra som lyssnade , att min lärare började gråta vart jag faktiskt förvånad över , hon tyckte det var väligt bra gjort av mig att jag gjorde det och hon tyckte talet var otroligt fint .. jag fick väldigt mycket beröm .. det var väldigt skoj , jag antar att jag inte får så mycket högre än G på det där eftersom jag inte var så tydlig och för det mesta tittade ner och grät . men får hoppas på ett G iaf .. bättre än inget alls .
jag är iaf glad att jag skrivit det och att jag fick dela med mig , jag hoppas du hörde mig JIM .. Jag saknar dig så och älskar dej nå otroligt <3

här följer talet för den som vill läsa:

Jim Söderberg was a beloved son, boyfriend, brother and most of all a beloved friend.

Jim was a open, crazy, bouncy and caring person. But he also was a criminal and a junkie. After a few years with drugs and crims he understod that it was wrong and tried to change, and he succeed.

Jim didn't have many hobbies but when he was younger he drove cross, not just as a hobbies also as a sport. He really loved it but he stopped when the drugs came so when he was clean from drugs he started drive again.

In the past year I didn't see or hear from him very often, but we both knew where we had eachother. I'm really thankful for the time I spent with him throw the years but I would do anything to spend one more day with him.

The thought that I'll never gonna se him again, never hear his voice, never hear his beautiful laugh, never see him smile, never have a conversation with him, never hug and kiss him again, that thought kills me. I'm not ready to loose him yet.

December 18th 1990 God sent one of his most loved angels to earth, that was JIM!

We are very thankful for that and we understand why God wanted him back. You were such a great person and friend, absolutly the best!

Jim was suffering from a very dangerous heart disease, he was born with it. The doctors think that it was that who killed him.

I have so many good memories of Jim and them I will always remember, I have pictures to look at and that I'm very happy for. I will never forget him, he was my best friend and we had so much fun together. I know that he will watch over me from heaven. I WILL MISS HIM!

Jim Söderberg was a beloved son, boyfriend, brother and most of all a beloved friend. So I think I'm speeking for all the people that knew Jim when I say: " We will miss you and think of you daylie. BUT we know that you wouldn't want us to mourn you to long so we will live on with our live, without you, but not totally without you because you will live on in our hearts and minds FOREVER!

We will always remebers the great person and friend you were, and we will always LOVE YOU!"

Rest In Peace

Jim Ingemar Söderberg

18 december, 1990 - 25 oktober, 2008

by: angeelica stenvi, NVSP06A

Postat av: Alexandra

Jag läste första raden från ditt tal o sedan var ja fast och läste hela. Jag blev verkligen berörd av det och det var verkligen jätte fint av dig att göra. :) puss o kram<3

2009-01-11 @ 16:37:40
URL: http://alexiandersson.blogg.se/

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